Timelime 2.4 breaks Apple Script

“ExportXML url days 365” does not work anymore

You are right, Markus. Thanks for pointing this out!

I will fix it in the next update.

Thanks for the quick reply!

Version 2.5 kind of works again. It exports the data, but only under “/Users//Library/Group Containers/Q66UC24GG4.com.timelimeapp/Library/Application Support/Automatic Backup/Timelime AppleScript Export (13. Aug 2023 – 11. Aug 2024).xml”

A Finder window opens to show this path, which I don’t really need/want.

This is the script I’m using:

tell application “Timelime”
ExportXML URL “/export.xml” days 365
end tell

Looking at the spec, it looks like there is no parameter URL anymore. I’d wish it would work as before. Like this it’s basically useless to me, since I want to do some processing in the background.

Unfortunately, due to App Store sandbox restrictions, it is not possible to save the exported file to any location, even before.

ok. But the real show stopper for me is the automatic opening of Finder, is there a way to prevent it?