Missing buttons and crashes

Hi there,

after updating to timeframe 3.0 I am missing the three buttons shown in the upper left of the 2nd screenshot from Target Hours - Plan your daily workload (I wanted to embed this, but got an error “Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post.”)

On my machine, the three buttons are not there:
Bildschirmfoto 2024-05-31 um 10.04.55

However, after locking and locking macOS the buttons reappeared once. But when I moved the mouse over them, timeframe crashed.
I wanted to attach a crash report, but (a) the only allowed text format is xml and (b) “new users are not allowed to upload attachments”.

I then updated to timeframe 3.1, but the buttons did not come back.

timeframe 3.0/3.1
macOS Sonoma 14.5
MacBook Pro 16’', M1Max

Any suggestions? Should I delete some prefs?


after updating to timeframe 3.0 I am missing the three buttons shown in the upper left

If you switch to “Statistics” view, you should see these buttons.

(I wanted to embed this, but got an error “Sorry, new users can only put one embedded media item in a post.”)

Sorry, I didn’t know. I increased this number now…

I wanted to attach a crash report, but (a) the only allowed text format is xml and (b) “new users are not allowed to upload attachments”.

I changed this too, can you please try again? I’d be very interested in the crash report!

Switching to Statistics helped, sorry for being confused.

Crash is still reproducible. I still cannot upload the file with “.txt” extension, but it seems to work if disguised as “.xml”.

Timeframe Crash Report.xml (21.2 KB)

Thank you!
Somehow the crash report is in a strange text format.
Can you open the Console app, go to “Crash Reports” and look for the Timeframe crash report there. If you right click on it, you can show it in the Finder.
Can you please upload this ips file. (I have enabled .txt and .ips file uploads now.)

interesting… there are 4 timeframe crash report, the one I sent you was the oldest, but apparently missing the “Translated Report” section.

I’ve attached 2 of these files:

Timeframe-2024-05-31-085757.ips (21.4 KB)
Timeframe-2024-05-31-104046.ips (22.7 KB)

Attaching the third leads to the error “An error occurred: Sorry, new users can only put 2 links in a post.”

Hey, thanks again!

I have fixed the crash now and will release an update today.

I wasn’t able to reproduce it before b/c it only occurs in Timelime Personal version, not in Timeframe Business. :sweat_smile:

Whenever you notice anything else that needs fixing, please let me know.

Thanks niko, great support!

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